Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Copyright :)

Copyright is where you copy and paste something BUT you must always give the author credit. Copyright is a law that stops people from taking the credit from someone else. So if you copy a page of a story then it is yours this law stops people from doing it.

What is a copyright?
The first part of copyright: is where someone posts something about a fact or a story. Then you come along and say "Hey I like this picture"! You can copy and paste but the right thing todo is give credit to the author
By giving the author credit is putting under it the URL.

How long does copyright last?
Copyright lasts a very long time. Copyright can last up to 70 years after the author has died. So let's say when you were 40 and you wrote a story and posted it on the web. Then later on in your life yo die at the age of 90 then 70 years later no one can copy things off of it.

Who owns copyright?
The author owns there stuff. So you can't say that you did all the work you because that a is a lie.

Here are a few commands
Non commercial use (nc) you can't make money no derivate (nd) cannot change the work share alike (sa) can change, but has the be released under the same license.

Important things you should know?
Important things that you should consider when using copyright material (I can't copy without permission if they work is " substantially the same " I can use copyright material if ask permission of the creator..

Copyright Information

Copyright is a way for a author to keep they're work to themselves and original. When the author has published it then no one can do anything to the work if they have copyright. The author is the only one who can do anything to there work. If you want to use their work you need to ask for permission or site your source. But not everything is protected to see if there is copyright on a price of information you will see a C in a circle that means there is copyright. But you should always site your source. If you don't give credit to the author you can be sued for a great amount of money. If two people create something the y are called joint authors. If you are joint authors then you both have the ability to go and change the work. If the work online is to a job our to your work then the company has copyright until the author is uncovered then it's he authors work.
Copyright infringement is when someone uses your work without your permission. That infringer would have to pay the amount of money maude from I or the amount the owner would have made. There are some limitation to copyright on of those limitations are fair use. Copyright does no protect everything but it protects most and just remember to cite you source.

Copyright - kaley

If you don't know about copyright then this is the place to look! There are many different rules when it come to copyright. Copyrights protects original work of authorship such as literary work, photos, sound recordings, and many other things. These ideas systems and discoveries are not protected by the law. Titles, name, short phases are protected under trademark. Lists, calendars, measurements are worked by the government. (CC) on a page means you don't have to cite the source if you have a creative commons license. This is the way to let people know that they're allowed to use it. There are four types of copyrights symbols online. (BY) stands for attribution that means you must give the creator credit. (NC) means non commercial usage and that means you can't make money from the creators work. (ND) No Derivative means you can't change the work, that means you can't change it. (SA) share alike means that you can change the work but it has to have the same license. 70 years after the author or creator has died you no longer have to cite the source.


Copyright is the law that doesn't let you take someones work if you don't have there permission. There are different things to do and don't when you copyright. If you want to take someone's work you can't just copy and past it. You need there permission or you just need to give them credit in a citation. Copyright laws prevent you from just taking it. Screenwriters deserve respect and appreciation. But not everything is protected with copyright laws. Copyright protects "original works of authorship." Examples of things not protected are ideas, procedures, methods, and many more. Your work is automatically become property of the author who created it. Anyone who brakes the copyright law without the authors permission means that they are committing copyright infringement. The infringer will by faced with charges and penalties. You can register a copyright anytime before the term of copyright is expired. Copyright do not last forever, but they do last a long time. To avoid troubles you should always ask permission for someone's work or cite your l.

Copyright Annika

There are very strict rules when it comes to copyright. If you want rouse someone's work you need to ask permission unless they say you dont.

Copyright protects original works of authorship
Literary works, musical works, including any accompanying words; dramatic works, including any accompanying music,are a few things that will be protected by copyright

Works consisting entirely of information that is commonly available and contains no originality (for example, standard calendars, standard measures and rulers, lists or tables compiled from public documents or other common sources); and
Copyright last 70 years after the authors death

If there is the double c icon it stands for creative commons which means you do not need to ask permission to use the website. The Single c icon means copyright which means you have to ask permission or site your source. These icon will normally be at the top of the page but they have the same meaning if they are anywhere else on the page.

Copyright can be a serious offense you can face huge fines or prison time. The whole point of copyright is to protect work that does not belong to you it is protect the original rights of owner ship.

So make sure to always site your sources and ask permission if needed.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What is copyright? Isaac

Copyright is a law in every state that you can't take people ideas and use them without permission. People that publish online have to know how to use copyright and that It expires 7o years after their death. You have to ask someone permission before using their stuff or use the license for it. There is a license that you can get called Creative Commons. There are 4 types of copyrights symbols online . You know someone has a Creative Commons license if you see a (cc) on the page. This is the way to let people know that they're allowed to use it. (BY) stands for attribution that means you must give the creator credit. (NC) means non commercial usage and that means you can't make money from the creators work. (ND) No Derivative means you can't change the work. That means you can't change it. (SA) share alike means that you can change the work but it has to have the same license. What we have learned is that it is illegal to copy someone's work without permission and use it for making money. There are copyright laws to protect people ideas/work.

Copyright Hayden

What is copyright? Copyright is a law that protects (so no one can take credit for it) original work. Work can be a painting, books, sculpture or drawings. Copyright does not cover slogans, ideas, methods, principals, titles or names. Copyright lasts up to 70 years after the death of the creator/author. How do you get these rights? They come automatically. What are your rights? Nobody can copy your work or display your work publicly. But this does not mean you can't use other people work. You just need to cite your source. This is easy using sites like citation machine or noodle tools. Two or more authors? You both have the rights to it unless there is an agreement. This law was put in place because people with great talent should be recognized for it. Almost nothing would be shared if people could not be recognized for it.


Copyright is a form of legal protection so when you create a poem, story,etc. you are protected and no one can steel your work. You alone have right to make copies of your work, give out copies of your work, perform your work publicly, and display your work. It is also illegal for anyone to do those things listed above without your permission. However, if someone uses your work and has sited your information, or has permission from the creator, then that person is not breaking the law. Copyright was made so no one could take your work and call it their own. There are some works like ideas, and procedures are not protected by copyright.
Copyright infringement- when someone takes your work and calls it yours that person is committing copyright infringement. If a lawsuit is brought to court, the infringer will have to pay the amount of money the creator made from the work.
Copyright will last and protect your work for 70 years after the creator is dead.
After that, your work is no longer protected by copyright.

Copyright josh

Copy right is we're someone makes or rights something and thats there's if you change anything about it without permission you can be charged or go to jail that's called breaking copyright and is bad. If you get permission you can change or write something. For school purposes you can use small quotes if you use citation. Copy write only stops after 70 years after you die.if someone takes slogans and images from your company you can file a lawsuit and if there found guilty they can pay double what you would've made if they hadn't taken your slogans logos and images.


What is copyright? Copyright is when someone takes another persons work. There is a few exceptions to it for example you can copy ideas or titles. The copyright does not last forever, if the creator dies the work is still not allowed to be stolen but after 70 years it's not allowed that's why all those old books are free. If we didn't have copyright it would be better. Some people are allowed to copy wright thing, for example teachers and kids can copyright to a serene extent. If you have permission from the author to use it you can as long as your not making money.

Tanner copyright

Explaining copyright:

Copyright Is when you copy or download a file to your computer, IOS device or whatever your copying from. The creator does not allow you to copy from them. ( Example: like if you copy a paragraph from a blog, and they did not say you could. ) Some work can be restrictive we're your allowed to take it but only for certain use. The act of copyright is illegal in some cases, like if you copyright you're own work than it would be ok.
Breaking copyright is a law that makes it so that no one steal your ideas. Ideas include drawings, writing, and any thing that can be played back and listened to or watched again. Breaking Copyright is bad because, for one its an illegal act, and two, breaking copyright could be so bad that you could get sewed, or even worse... Prison. Copyright lasts 70 years after you or whoever had righten it dies. If someone does steal a slogan or a idea from you hior yourtanner was here company than you can file a lawsuit against that person and if they are proven guilty then they will have to pay you how ever much money you would have made if they had never done that.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Explaining copyright

Copyright is used a lot in the USA, in fact copyright is actually a law. Copyright gives credit to the creators of online published pieces. If you run into a site that is copyrighted and you get information off of it and you share it, you need to give the creator credit or the website credit can be as easy as citing the URL, or you can give full citations. Some online materials that usually consist of copyright are, literature, musical, graphic, and dramatic websites. If you don't give credit to copyrighted work it is called copyright infringement. Copyright infringement is illegal and if you are caught you can be sued for copyright infringement. Sometimes the creator will put their name into the website so it is important that you add their name into a citation. The creator is also known as the author of the website and is the person that made or created the website, hence the name creator. Sometimes there will be two or more creators, which is called joint authors. If they put their names into the website you must put their names into a citation. But if you can't find a name of a creator don't fret over it, because not every creator publishes their name on their website. And if you can't find the creator(s) name you don't have to put it into your citations, but put in as much information as possible into your citation.


Copyright is a law that all of someones work is their own. If someone for example, say Alex wrote about his knowledge of history through a summary on the internet that's his. If Aron likes it and wants to use the information she can't use his exact words that's illegal.If Aron decides to use it than she has to cite the source by clearly showing that the work isn't hers either using a citation machine or by saying, "This work is not mine it belongs to Alex." That means its Alex's authorship. Copyright is intangible. that means you can't touch it but it's there like feelings you know it's there but you cannot touch them. Over the years copyright has been embodied by becoming a law. If you infringe the copyright law then you will be charged or in some cases sent to jail. If someone posts to the Internet that means its there's. 70 years after the authors death you may use there work every 28 years from posting it you can renew the work.

Explaining Copyright- Ben

Copyright is a law that keeps work original and safe for the authors who create the work.
When someone makes a hard copy of anything, as soon as they publish it, it is automatically copyrighted. This means they own their work and if someone else wants to use their work they need to ask permission. If anybody uses their work without permission or tries to take credit for it, it can result in a lawsuit, or other legal actions. This means they pay a fine for illegally using your work or in some cases can be jailed.
Work is under copyright from moment of publication until 70 years after the authors death. Then it falls into public domain. Public domain means that anyone can use your work without permission, but they cannot take credit for it.
Also authors could put a copy write label on his work so everyone automatically has permission to use his work, so if his work is popular he doesn't have to reply to oodles of requests to use his work.
All this doesn't mean you can use other people's work. You can use other people's work if you cite the source. Some good citing websites are and

Copyright, Connor B

Copyright is a law that makes it so that no one steal your ideas. Ideas include drawings, animation, wrighting, and any thing that can be played back and listened to or watched again.

Copyright lasts 70 years after you or whoever had righten it dies. If someone does steal a large slogan or a idea from you or your company than you can file a lawsuit against that person. if they are proven guilty then they will have to pay you how ever much money x2 you would have made if they had never stolen your idea.

For school purposes or for non public
Documents it is ok to use info or small quotes if you site the source using something like citation machine.

Explaining Copyright Tyler

Copyright is simple it's the rules an regulations of created work. Some work can be restrictive were your allowed to take it but only for certain use. It could also be permissive were there could be a creative comments-by license were the author says already that you can take it on the site or if it's not shown you must contact the author to get authorization to this file. Also when taking work from an author you should site your source on your document telling were you got your information if you gathered some of another site you could use different sites designed for you to cite your sources such as noodle tools or citation machine. It is considered breaking copyright when you take something without permission from the author. The act of breaking copyrighting is illegal. If the work is yours than it is your decision on your rules and regulations. For some work you take or work you post can be decided whether or not the work needs to be quoted. You have to have a sort of permission from the author or the authors (which would be considered joint work or joint partners) to take there work. Not everything is considered breaking copyright short terms or phrases are fine. If you break copyright than you may have to pay a fine in court if the author doesn't like what you did with the work created. Breaking copyright is a bad thing because think if you posted something online that your really proud of and someone copies it and they get all the credit or the profits of your work that would upset you an so forth is why there is copyright protection. If there wasn't copyright protection than a lot of things on the Internet wouldn't be there because the person who would have posted it would know they probably wouldn't get any credit for that of there post. Copyright protection begins upon completion of your work an lasts until 70 years after your death that is what copyright is.

Copyright Basics-Adrienne

Copyright is a sort of protection that keeps others from stealing your original work without consequence. You wouldn't want others to steal something you've worked hard on, would you? Copyright makes it illegal for anyone other than you to make copies, distribute, or publicly display or perform your work. As the creator of your work, you essentially have complete control of your work, though there are exceptions. Copyright protects original works in a tangible form of expression.
Copyright is owned by the original author of the work, except in the case when something is created on commission.
Anyone who exploits the copyright of the author has committed copyright infringement. Copyright infringement can be punishable by a fine.

Friday, September 21, 2012

What is copyright?

Friday you read about copyright, creative commons and the issues that must be considered when you are publishing something online or using something that has been published online. Today, pretend that you are explaining copyright to someone who has never heard of it before. Write a clear explanation that includes:
  • The most important considerations for online creators
  • Important things that you should consider when using materials that are copyrighted.
  • Vocabulary that is key to understanding copyright.
You will be graded on how clearly and completely you present this information.

Publish your post, then begin reading other student's work. You may comment on their work to add to the discussion about copyright. A good comment:
  • Agrees with a post, explaining why you agree
  • Disagrees with a post, explaining respectfully why you disagree
  • Give an example which supports a post
  • Elaborates further on a post, explaining  your thinking