Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Copyright :)

Copyright is where you copy and paste something BUT you must always give the author credit. Copyright is a law that stops people from taking the credit from someone else. So if you copy a page of a story then it is yours this law stops people from doing it.

What is a copyright?
The first part of copyright: is where someone posts something about a fact or a story. Then you come along and say "Hey I like this picture"! You can copy and paste but the right thing todo is give credit to the author
By giving the author credit is putting under it the URL.

How long does copyright last?
Copyright lasts a very long time. Copyright can last up to 70 years after the author has died. So let's say when you were 40 and you wrote a story and posted it on the web. Then later on in your life yo die at the age of 90 then 70 years later no one can copy things off of it.

Who owns copyright?
The author owns there stuff. So you can't say that you did all the work you because that a is a lie.

Here are a few commands
Non commercial use (nc) you can't make money no derivate (nd) cannot change the work share alike (sa) can change, but has the be released under the same license.

Important things you should know?
Important things that you should consider when using copyright material (I can't copy without permission if they work is " substantially the same " I can use copyright material if ask permission of the creator..


  1. Nice job you put a lot of good information into it, and it is orginazed well.

  2. I think you did a good job explaining Wikipedia.
