Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What is copyright? Isaac

Copyright is a law in every state that you can't take people ideas and use them without permission. People that publish online have to know how to use copyright and that It expires 7o years after their death. You have to ask someone permission before using their stuff or use the license for it. There is a license that you can get called Creative Commons. There are 4 types of copyrights symbols online . You know someone has a Creative Commons license if you see a (cc) on the page. This is the way to let people know that they're allowed to use it. (BY) stands for attribution that means you must give the creator credit. (NC) means non commercial usage and that means you can't make money from the creators work. (ND) No Derivative means you can't change the work. That means you can't change it. (SA) share alike means that you can change the work but it has to have the same license. What we have learned is that it is illegal to copy someone's work without permission and use it for making money. There are copyright laws to protect people ideas/work.


  1. I like how you didn't just list things you explained yourself.

  2. Good job Isaac, I think you had some stuff in you explanation that I didn't have in mine.

  3. You had good explaining

  4. This piece is amazing great job.
