Monday, September 24, 2012

Explaining Copyright Tyler

Copyright is simple it's the rules an regulations of created work. Some work can be restrictive were your allowed to take it but only for certain use. It could also be permissive were there could be a creative comments-by license were the author says already that you can take it on the site or if it's not shown you must contact the author to get authorization to this file. Also when taking work from an author you should site your source on your document telling were you got your information if you gathered some of another site you could use different sites designed for you to cite your sources such as noodle tools or citation machine. It is considered breaking copyright when you take something without permission from the author. The act of breaking copyrighting is illegal. If the work is yours than it is your decision on your rules and regulations. For some work you take or work you post can be decided whether or not the work needs to be quoted. You have to have a sort of permission from the author or the authors (which would be considered joint work or joint partners) to take there work. Not everything is considered breaking copyright short terms or phrases are fine. If you break copyright than you may have to pay a fine in court if the author doesn't like what you did with the work created. Breaking copyright is a bad thing because think if you posted something online that your really proud of and someone copies it and they get all the credit or the profits of your work that would upset you an so forth is why there is copyright protection. If there wasn't copyright protection than a lot of things on the Internet wouldn't be there because the person who would have posted it would know they probably wouldn't get any credit for that of there post. Copyright protection begins upon completion of your work an lasts until 70 years after your death that is what copyright is.


  1. You explained it well and if I had no idea what copyright was than I would know now.

  2. Good job, you did great at explaining it and like Kirsten said if I was clueless I would know now.

  3. To the point, nice Tyler, though hard to read, info not explained or split up. ;)
