Friday, September 21, 2012

What is copyright?

Friday you read about copyright, creative commons and the issues that must be considered when you are publishing something online or using something that has been published online. Today, pretend that you are explaining copyright to someone who has never heard of it before. Write a clear explanation that includes:
  • The most important considerations for online creators
  • Important things that you should consider when using materials that are copyrighted.
  • Vocabulary that is key to understanding copyright.
You will be graded on how clearly and completely you present this information.

Publish your post, then begin reading other student's work. You may comment on their work to add to the discussion about copyright. A good comment:
  • Agrees with a post, explaining why you agree
  • Disagrees with a post, explaining respectfully why you disagree
  • Give an example which supports a post
  • Elaborates further on a post, explaining  your thinking

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you set your explanation up.
