Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Copyright is a form of legal protection so when you create a poem, story,etc. you are protected and no one can steel your work. You alone have right to make copies of your work, give out copies of your work, perform your work publicly, and display your work. It is also illegal for anyone to do those things listed above without your permission. However, if someone uses your work and has sited your information, or has permission from the creator, then that person is not breaking the law. Copyright was made so no one could take your work and call it their own. There are some works like ideas, and procedures are not protected by copyright.
Copyright infringement- when someone takes your work and calls it yours that person is committing copyright infringement. If a lawsuit is brought to court, the infringer will have to pay the amount of money the creator made from the work.
Copyright will last and protect your work for 70 years after the creator is dead.
After that, your work is no longer protected by copyright.


  1. I think you did a good job explaining it.

  2. Day I think you did a good job, great explaining!

  3. I like how you said so no one can steal it
