Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Copyright Information

Copyright is a way for a author to keep they're work to themselves and original. When the author has published it then no one can do anything to the work if they have copyright. The author is the only one who can do anything to there work. If you want to use their work you need to ask for permission or site your source. But not everything is protected to see if there is copyright on a price of information you will see a C in a circle that means there is copyright. But you should always site your source. If you don't give credit to the author you can be sued for a great amount of money. If two people create something the y are called joint authors. If you are joint authors then you both have the ability to go and change the work. If the work online is to a job our to your work then the company has copyright until the author is uncovered then it's he authors work.
Copyright infringement is when someone uses your work without your permission. That infringer would have to pay the amount of money maude from I or the amount the owner would have made. There are some limitation to copyright on of those limitations are fair use. Copyright does no protect everything but it protects most and just remember to cite you source.


  1. I also agree with everything you said. I think it is very informational, and people who didn't know a lot about of copyright will learn.

  2. I agree, i think you have enough information to get the point across to a stranger.

  3. I agree with everything you had said and it is very informational.
