Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Copyright - kaley

If you don't know about copyright then this is the place to look! There are many different rules when it come to copyright. Copyrights protects original work of authorship such as literary work, photos, sound recordings, and many other things. These ideas systems and discoveries are not protected by the law. Titles, name, short phases are protected under trademark. Lists, calendars, measurements are worked by the government. (CC) on a page means you don't have to cite the source if you have a creative commons license. This is the way to let people know that they're allowed to use it. There are four types of copyrights symbols online. (BY) stands for attribution that means you must give the creator credit. (NC) means non commercial usage and that means you can't make money from the creators work. (ND) No Derivative means you can't change the work, that means you can't change it. (SA) share alike means that you can change the work but it has to have the same license. 70 years after the author or creator has died you no longer have to cite the source.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, your intro is cool and your facts are all true and it's vary informational.
