Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tanner copyright

Explaining copyright:

Copyright Is when you copy or download a file to your computer, IOS device or whatever your copying from. The creator does not allow you to copy from them. ( Example: like if you copy a paragraph from a blog, and they did not say you could. ) Some work can be restrictive we're your allowed to take it but only for certain use. The act of copyright is illegal in some cases, like if you copyright you're own work than it would be ok.
Breaking copyright is a law that makes it so that no one steal your ideas. Ideas include drawings, writing, and any thing that can be played back and listened to or watched again. Breaking Copyright is bad because, for one its an illegal act, and two, breaking copyright could be so bad that you could get sewed, or even worse... Prison. Copyright lasts 70 years after you or whoever had righten it dies. If someone does steal a slogan or a idea from you hior yourtanner was here company than you can file a lawsuit against that person and if they are proven guilty then they will have to pay you how ever much money you would have made if they had never done that.

1 comment:

  1. This would be really confusing to someone who doesn't know what copyright was because you say "copyright is illegal" when you would want breaking copyright and later on you say breaking copyright protects when it's copyright that protects I think you need to re-read this
