Monday, September 24, 2012

Copyright, Connor B

Copyright is a law that makes it so that no one steal your ideas. Ideas include drawings, animation, wrighting, and any thing that can be played back and listened to or watched again.

Copyright lasts 70 years after you or whoever had righten it dies. If someone does steal a large slogan or a idea from you or your company than you can file a lawsuit against that person. if they are proven guilty then they will have to pay you how ever much money x2 you would have made if they had never stolen your idea.

For school purposes or for non public
Documents it is ok to use info or small quotes if you site the source using something like citation machine.


  1. Nice job of explaining copyright, very detailed

  2. This is really good but what could some restrictions be to copyright

  3. That is very good. Nice job.

  4. AMAZING. This is better than mine.!!!
