Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wikipedia a trusted site

I think Wikipedia is a trusted source for everyday searches. The site was made by a bunch of experts and updates every day. Wikipedia is a website encyclopedia. The wiki in Wikipedia is for it to be know as a fast website for people want fast and understandable information.

Experts such as professors, doctors and scientist have been help creating and updating the website. Profetionals in all subjects have made pages for Wikipedia. There are even game details on the website. One time I searched "Minecraft" and they had a page on it.
People think that because you can edit it that it is a bad source but it needs to be approved by the owners, professors, doctors and scientist to stay on the site.

Wikipedia is a Internet encyclopedia that can change unlike regular encyclopedia. Wikipedia is a good study guide for projects such as witing a story on a president or infographics. When in the site there places for info around it. Plus Wikipedia has seen people who copyed parts of there work and typically it out of date. In the end these are some reasons why I believe Wikipedia is a trustworthy source.


Question: do you trust Wikipedia, do you think it's a good source for useful information?

Answer: Most people are confused about wether they think Wikipedia is a good source for information or not. My personals opinion is completely against the use of Wikipedia as a trustful website for information. The main reason why people are debating about it is because there are rumors and facts about the web site letting alone it being good or bad. For example some people think Wikipedia is a terrible site because anyone can go on the website and change the document, like make and article that was suppose to be about Abraham Lincoln and put information about a computer?? Although on the other hand people like to use Wikipedia for a source because it does tend to give useful information about certain subjects, great authors go on and write articles about things and they do give very good information , and if you are un- sure of something you could go google it, but that does create more work for the person learning!! But moving onto my personals thoughts about Wikipedia its just a bad site to use honestly, yes they may give very useful information but with all the doubts about the site your just going to be unsure about the information your leading, second guessing yourself basically. Also knowing anyone can go on and change anything about the article, Because of this I wouldn't not trust Wikipedia really you never know if someone went on and fooled around with the page. As far as just wanting to extend my learning with a certain subject so I have prior knowledge on what I am learning weather it being in a class or just my personal interests, Yes I would then quickly go on Wikipedia and just check out some of the facts on the web page. Because of All these reasons I don't like using Wikipedia for a full informational website.

Wikipedia SYA- Emily Wootton

Wikipedia SYA By- Emily Wootton

Wikipedia is not a good website to use as a resource on a paper because everything on that website is in danger of being changed by the whole world no amount of people can fix it. Wikipedia in 1991 began, " the website became a self styled pre- eminent source", by David Farhie). The website was built with 1000 volunteers to fix and edit the site. Wiki means (quick) in Hawaiian language and Pedia means for and encyclopedia . If you look at a Wikipedia site you need to look for,

-Does the writing read well
-Are there any citations.
-Was the article recently created or edited.
-Whether or not there's two or more editors.

If none of this is encountered in the website it tends to give false information. Wikipedia is known to teachers as an unreliable source in which most of the time is edited by the people who have no idea what there talking about. Most of the time the edits last more than a month. There is 3.5 million articles on Wikipedia in 125 languages which means more than half of those articles must be wrong or edited a day. There's about 2.92 mess ups on each article or journal. Wikipedia had an issue before when peers would post nude pictures on Wikipedia.

There was an article about the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and John F. Kennedy by Steven Seigenthaler . It was deleted by another person. Adam Curry was the one who was accused of deleting that article. It was a very good article , but I find that if they deleted it and it was good article then what do they find bad.

The rate of the difference between Wikipedia and Britannia is 126 to 123 errors in the website. It is commonly known as the website in which it has a lot of errors on it.

As you can see Wikipedia is known as a unreliable source to use for any research paper. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the way the articles are edited on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is not a source that I would suggest to use.

Bad source wikie

Wikipedia is not a good sours for a research paper shout there is a lot of good info on Wikipedia, but do not relay on any of it. One reason why it is a bad sours for information is because any buddy can go on it and change the information yes there are thousands of of people who moater the web site connately and cheek
To make shire that the information is correct but they miss a lot of it. Another reason why Wikipedia is a bad source is if you post a video on wikiepeda any buddy can go on and watch your video and edit it in any way they want it could be a good edit or a very bad one. So in Conclushen this is why I think that wikiepeda is a bad source for infermation I say stick with the text books

Wikipedia good or bad Jacob

This is why I think Wikipedia is not a reliable source for information. A reason why that it is not is because there is a case of vandalism everyday but it gets fixed by a group that is called Wikipedia community group. What they do is they go to Wikipedia and check a specific word and correct any misleading information but if it corrects the information or updates it they leave it be. Some teachers agree that it is a good resource but it can have misleading information so sometimes it can not be a good source. Experts say that it is not a safe environment for young children. This is a quote from Chris Dempsey " I believe that Wikipedia is a helpful site in the classroom." This is a quote from a man named Earl Benser. " I do not think that Wikipedia is a reliable source because some information can be switched for something goofy and takes forever to correct the wrong information." These quotes tell your good ideas about the topics if they think it is good or a bad resource. This is why I think that Wikipedia is not a good resource for information.

Wikipedia Sara Beatty

Wikipedia is a reliable source when researching something. Thousands of volunteers edit the website to add good information and remove bogus info. Experts share their knowledge on various subjects and will let people add more information. However it would be wise to have some prior knowledge of the subject before you use Wikipedia so that you can tell what is real and what isn't. If you read something on Wikipedia and aren't sure if its true or not you should check in a day or two and see if its been edited. This is why Wikipedia is a reliable source.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wikipedia- Mikayla

People debate whether or not Wikipedia is a trustworthy site to get information! My opinion is that Wikipedia is a good resource. At times I agree but like everyone else I debate whether or not its good or not to use. Wikipedia has some good information and bad information. The only thing I wouldn't use Wikipedia for is a big huge paper. A paragraph or 2. I would use it because if the information is good the wikipedia people keep the information there. There are also good links that Wikipedia had sometimes to either back up what they are saying, or something else. They also check out website every once in awhile and check to see if anyone has added fake information, if so then they will change it back to the original. Using Wikipedia wouldn't be a good idea to use because people vandalize and for little students who don't know what some of that stuff means, it wouldn't be good idea. Parents wouldn't be happy. It's also is bad because people can go into the website and change whatever they want. That's why it can be a bad idea to use Wikipedia but on the other end it can be a good idea. My point of view is that wikipedia is a good site to use. You can find links to other websites to make sure that your information is true.

Wikipedia as a resource: by Leanne L.

The famous website and resource known as Wikipedia was created in 2001. It has the ability of an encyclopedia. I do not recommend that people use this as their source for homework and essays and such. The "wiki" in Wikipedia means that the information can be changed. If you go to Wikipedia and click on an article, there is the option to edit the information that was put onto it. The purpose for this choice was so that people could correct someone else's information if it happens to be incorrect. Some people have taken advantage of this and instead write even more false information to trick people. Wikipedia now has volunteers searching and reading different articles to make sure that all of the information that people are writing is correct. Because Wikipedia is such a known and used resource for essays, homework, etc. Wikipedia is trying to prevent the false information, this does not always help. There are just so many articles on Wikipedia and they cannot read all of them. Wikipedia doesn't seem to be the best resource because the people trying to fix the information cannot catch everybody who's writing falsely. People change the information into false knowledge, not always on purpose but people are going to believe that that information if correct and use it in whatever they're using Wikipedia for. I do not recommend Wikipedia as a #1 resource.


Is Wikipedia a good source to write a report or and essay for school? Well to start what is Wikipedia? Wikipedia is like a giant encyclopedia that is viewed by many people and is changed and edited by many which can be a plus or a minus. Personally my opinion on Wikipedia is that you can write a report on the information that is given on their pages. One good thing that comes form this website is that it has the word "wiki" in it which means that it can be viewed and edited by people that want to put in the info they want. But on the other hand it can be bad cause their are many people out their that put bad info on because they wanna joke about it. Due to the many people that volunteer their time and go through all the information and verify if it is good and true and is real. They do this by reading books and watching videos etc. Also a good thing that comes from Wikipedia is that they have two big rules. The first is that info put on must be verified and be sited and be true to have it on their site or page. The next rule is that all info on their must not be biased and leaned to one side or more on something. The information must be presented fairly and equally so that people's opinions are not changed by reading something that is bias. So that means don't put sentences that would start with I think or I feel. But on the other hand their are a few bad things sprinkled into good things. First when people out their that post bad info it doesn't get changed right away it takes time to change it, a few days or so. When your writing your report, it might have bad info but you should be able to tell if its good or bad. Those are both bad things and good things that come from Wikipedia. Their are mostly good things that come from it. Thats why you should use Wikipedia for a resource and not be afraid to.

Wikipedia Noah

Is Wikipedia a trusted source? I would say yes that Wikipedia is a trusted source. Some people say no because anybody can change the information on the site or topic. But they don't realize that Wikipedia has thousands of volunteers that search through and find false information and change it back to what is suppose to be there. Also if you are reading a Wikipedia article and it has a whole bunch of weird stuff in it, most people would realize that it's probably isn't true, ignore it, and read on. Wikipedia is also a good source for news. When news goes viral Wikipedia soon has it on the Webb because there are millions of people editing or adding articles. When something is posted it is viewed with 2 roles. Verified ability which means it is true and able to stay on Wikipedia. The second one is that all information is fairly used and edited. The word wiki means hit edit and change as pleased. That doesn't mean it stays changed. The Britannica encyclopedia only had 39 more fact mistakes which proves Wikipedia is definitely a trusted source.

Is wikipedia good or bad Connor v

Is Wikipedia a good source for research papers ? Yes Wikipedia is a good source for students to go and find information to help them go and find better sites for information for a research paper. Wikipedia has 125 different languages this allows people from different countries to read the articles on wikipedia. Wikipedia is good because it has hundreds of people helping out fixing anything that is wrong or misleading this happens often within a couple of minutes. If you visit a wiki article that many people visit then there is a less likely chance that there would be any errors on that article then another article that less people visit. A majority of edits are made for the better good of wikipedia. If the reader finds a fact that isn't right or is misleading they can fix it. I can see the view for people that say that wikipedia is bad but it can help people find information for more stuff on the subject they are searching for. Yes Wikipedia is a good source for help find better sites and a starter for research papers.

Wikipedia By Devin

Wikipedia most people think is bad and i did to at one point but now this is why i think its good. One reason is that there is volunteer workers who check out wiki sites to make sure they are not messed up by trouble makers. But this site can be also changed to make it better by people who might put pictures and graphs and the site will tell you always when it was last updated by someone so you can see how new the information is.Then wikipedia also has a lot of citations such as where if you look up birds on wiki you will see 200+ citations and that shows how much research and hard work was put into making the site. It also gives a lot of information is elaborate with good vocabulary words in it. Then also you can change what language you want to read it in so people in India,China,Brazil or korea could read it. So even though most teachers don't like this site to use for a research paper you can still use it to learn about whatever topic you want but then back it up with other sources.

Wikipedia - Hannah

Is Wikipedia a good source or bad? Like many people I agree that wikipedia is a bad source but my answer to the question at the beginning went both ways. I think Wikipedia is a good source for getting links to sites about whatever you are looking for. It is also good for other people; you can help by editing the page, giving good and useful information to others. Even though there are good things about Wikipedia there bad things as well, and those are the ones that turned me away from liking Wikipedia. The bad reasons are that people can edit the work, and it can be faulty information. Wikipedia in my mind isn't a good website, even though some of the information on there can be true, some of the other things might not be, you have no idea what information on there is useful information. Some people still, think that Wikipedia is a good site, they might think that because it is the 8th most visited site on the Internet. But this isn't a popularity contest and I can guarantee that when you look up, a well known person that you know something exact about them, someone would have changed an item on the biography about them, maybe to be funny or just they thought that was the truth. Even though in the beginning that I thought it was a good source my final decision was that it was a bad source, and I hope i persuade you into thinking the same.

Is Wikipedia a Good source?

Is Wikipedia a good source? Well, you tell me, anyone with a Wikipedia account can edit articles So, someone with a PHD or someone in kindergarten could change a page easily. Wikipedia is a good source for finding links for other webpages that the author used on the topic but writing your whole research paper from Wikipedia is not a good idea. Wikipedia may have editors to keep the website's information somewhat true, but there are so many articles on Wikipedia that no one could keep all of them perfect. If Wikipedia had more editors or more time, it might be a better resource for something more than just links. Wikipedia has so much potential for the future but for now I wouldn't trust it. That is why Wikipedia is not a good source for research.

Wikipedia Hilary

Teachers, students, and just regular citizens all over the US argue about whether Wikipedia is a trustworthy source or not. I used to be on the side that argued how bad Wikipedia is. That its not a good source and that it just isn't worth your time all around. Although, after a lot of research, my point of view changed. I think that Wikipedia is doing a great job at keeping their website legit. They have tens of thousands of people who volunteer to watch over their articles and correct them when they've been vandalized every minute of everyday. For example, if you went into an article on Justin Bieber and put in that he has a pet unicorn named Bob or whatever, it would probably be changed in a matter of seconds. Wikipedia has improved their site over the last 10 or 11 years since they started and is the 8th most visited site on the Internet today. When you search something on google, I can almost guarantee that Wikipedia, WikiAnswers, or any wiki site is going to be in at least the top 5 things that come up. Some people argue about the editing on the site and that it isn't trustworthy because just about anyone can edit it. Well, there are things you can do to try and get around that problem. For one, you can check the history of edits to see what people have added and also see every version of the article that there is. This way, if a ridiculous edit was made then just look at the article before that edit was made. Also, you can check the discussion area to see what people are saying about the article, most of the time someone will have said something about how trusted this article is. But then again, just common sense can let you know because if someone is vandalizing the site then most of the time it is pretty easy to tell when they have. And if you still aren't sure, just check the information using another site, Wikipedia isn't the only one on the Internet with your information. This is why personally, I do trust Wikipedia and I think you should give it a chance, it's genius in the way that people all over the world can share their knowledge on one website in seconds. The idea was great, and I think they are doing the best they can to make it what it was made for.

Wikipedia- is it trustworthy? (Shelby)

Many people think that Wikipedia is not a good source for information, but many people think that it is not trustworthy. I think that Wikipedia is a good source for information because it is constantly being updated, and even if someone does change the information, it can be changed in seconds. Many educators do not believe that Wikipedia is a trustworthy source, and do not let their students cite information from it. Many people agree that it can be a good source because it is changed every couple of minutes. Some cons of Wikipedia are that information can be changed by users. Some users vandalize articles for fun or replace information or dates without citing their resources to the information. This can be changed though, as soon as a moderator sees the vandalized article in real time, they can change it in matter of seconds, ensuring that the writing can be trusted. The Wikipedia FAQ states that "Properly written articles cite the sources, and a reader should rely on the Wikipedia article as much, but no more, than the sources the article relies on. If an article doesn't cite a source, it may or may not be reliable. Students should never use information in Wikipedia for formal purposes (such as a school essay) until they have checked those external sources." I think that Wikipedia can be a very good source, but people just need to use common sense while reading a Wikipedia article, you would always make sure that the article you are relying on for information has good sources, right? So check Wikipedia as well, if there is no sources in the page, do not trust it. I think that Wikipedia can be a very good tool for students if they use common sense and make sure there is good sources on the article.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wikipedia...Good Or Bad Zach

Wikipedia is a good source for a research paper. There are lots of different pages
that have great sources of information. One page on birds has 200+ different citations of sources where Wikipedia got the information. Wikipedia also has 125 different languages in the articles. Lots of people volunteer to keep good information on Wikipedia. The information on Wikipedia was so good they compared it to Brittanica, which is a leading encyclopedia brand. Brittanica was only better by 39 fact mistakes which isn't a lot compared to the 4 million+ articles that are on Wikipedia. Apparently some teachers will teach their kids to use Wikipedia first before other sources. Some people dislike Wikipedia. One reason is that anyone can edit it. This is true but there are lots of people that scan the articles to make sure the information is good. Another reason is some articles are a lot shorter than others. Although that is also true but some things don't have enough information that we know about. Through all these reasons you can see Wikipedia is a pretty good source.

Copy rights

Why do we have copy right? What is the point? Well don't you like the feeling of accomplishment when you finish a big class project or report?  Then you post it to the web and find out people are just copy and pasting it claiming its there work, then know one
Will give you credit for your work! This is why the U.S makes it a law that taking credit for someone else's work is illegal, let me give you an example, say you go to a store and buy a t- shirt then take the label off and put your own name on it.....that is copy righting you can not take someone else's work and take credit for it/make it yours.  Although there are some things that are protected by copy right, such as literary works like computers,musical works including any accompanying words, also pictorial graphics, and sculptural works.  But there are something's that are not protected  by copywriting for example ideas, procedures, methods, concepts, principles, discoveries, ext. ext,  if you have a family member who writes a very well known or maybe even famous piece of work and they pass away they don't lose ownership (copy right)  of their work until 70 years after there death, so if you wanted to keep it in the family you could then take over copy right to it.  Which leads me into Creative Commons, Creative Commons gives he audience ability to use the document, image, ext. as long as he or she ensures to give credit to the author.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Copyright Information Jacob Turchin

Copyright is something that is very important to a person because it saves there re work from getting copied by people. Some vocabulary words I came across is permission. Permission is something that you have to do when you want to use something from that creation you have to ask the person who created the piece to use apart of it but you have to say who you got it from. You are probably asking why should I care? You should care because it protects your work.


You don't know what copyright is! Well let me tell you what it is and what you have to do to. So what copyright means is somebody has give you permission To use their work on the Internet or in other sources. But if you posted something on the Internet and you want to let other people use it there are some rules that you have to follow. So the first step is to put some thing on the web now the symbol to let other people know that your work is avabul for them to use is like this is an example cc create comic nerd son .com. Now there some other symbols that you must know these symbols say what people are aloud to do with your work.
Attribution you must give the author default in all license . Non commercial
use (NC) prevents the commercial use of the work. Non derivative works (ND) prevents making derivative meaning it can be used but nobody but you can modify it. Share alike with the share license (SA) the work can be modified as long as it is relicenced under same license as the original.

So in conclusion if you post something on the Internet or on some other site and you want to let other people use it make shire that you use copy right.

Copyright Hannah

Right now at this moment I have copyright to my work, in other words this means this is my work and I have protection over it and no one can change anything about it or edit it, I am the only one that can do edits to it. Once you have done something it is yours you have ownership to it, and you will continue to have ownership over it until 70 years after you have died. Many things have copyright, anything except titles, names,ideas, discoveries, and works of the u.s government. If you wanted to use something off of the Internet you need to have permission from the owner , you can't just take credit for something that isn't yours. It's like taking a car from Ford and then putting a different label on it and saying it was yours . If its mot your work you have no rights, to alter work that isn't yours. Even though writing is protected by copyright not everything is . Such as a procedure or a method they are not protected. Also if you say and idea out loud and someone steals it, that's okay because you didn't put it out on a piece of paper or on the Internet , you really don't have any proof that you are the only one who came up with it. If you fail to give credit to the owner, you are braking the law , you need to give credit , because it isn't your work. You don't exactly have to put their name on the work like some companies have certain letters that represent , the ownership of it. Creative Commons gives the audience permission to use the work as long as you give credit. The labels after some things, can mean different things, it can mean attribution ( by) ,non commercial use (nc), no derivative words (nd),share alike with the same license ( sa). Right now , you don't have to do anything to obtain copyright protection , once it is created it's yours. You don't have to go through a special process to get rights over it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What is copy right? - Emily Wootton

Copyright is a form of protection for literary, musical, artistic, and any form of someone's work. You think "Hey let's just copy this poem, it doesn't belong to anyone!" Wrong... everything on the Internet or off the Internet has a owner or once had a owner. There's a copyright law; the 17 U.S code.
Some specifics of copyright laws or protection laws are; made for hire, is a term in which the copy may get protection, so nobody can copy the stuff and if anyone breaks that law they will go to court . If the person who took or copied their work without permission made any money it will be paid to the owner. If there is two authors then you split the money equally they're called joint partners.
Things that can be copied freely are titles, ideas, and work with no originality. The first copyright was March 1st, 1989. The letter C or "Copr" is used a lot to let you know that this is protected by a copyright law. Most of the time you see CC as the label. This protection lasts for 70 years after the person's death. So I would advise you to not just copy that picture of Justin Bieber and paste it but to ask the owner of the picture.
There is Creative Commons license (CC). Which it protects the owner but there are certain rules that the owner wants people to follow. There's certain ways some owners do if they don't want you to touch their work or change it, But most of the rules say don't change or seal for profit.
So as you can see everything is not free on the Internet. Everything is protected by some kind of rule or law, so don't copy something before you know for sure it's alright.



Copyright is the legal protection to all original work created so no one can steal it. A way of illegal copyright is if someone copy's a book completely and takes all credit and does not have permission from the author. Without permission from author the infringement will cause time in jail. Infringement Is the name for a copyed work without permission. All work such as paintings, poems, story's, plays, ete. Copyright is a law that in 70 years will need to be renewed.if no renewed the work can be copyed from the public domain. The public domain is where people can copy work without permission. Creative Commons is not as restrictive than copyright it allows people to use there work in Ideas and other stuff like this can not be protected by copyright. Titles and names also can't be copyrighted. Other people can use them. Some highly copyright stuff is books and importent document such as old diarys or signatures of famas dead people. Copyright is a big thing in the writing world. Without it people could never get a profit for there workplace. These are the basics to copyright I hope you now better understand copyrights.


How come I can't take credit for this really awesome song I heard on the radio? How come I can't pretend that I drew that amazing picture I saw in an art gallery? The answer to these questions are simple, copyright. Copyright is a form of protection that makes sure that the writer/creator's work is safe from people who are trying to take credit for it, as in the writer/creator owns their work and copyright was created for these reasons especially. For example if you wrote a poem all on your own then you instantly have copyright, because you made it; it is your work.
If you have copyright of something you can almost do anything with it. You can make copies of it, distribute copies of it, perform it publicly (drama, sing, etc.), display it (art, writing, etc.), or modify it. Although, copyright does not last forever (though it does last a long time!). Copyright lasts until 70 after the writer/creator has passed. After the writer/creator has passed you can get the copyright. Even if you do gain authorization you may not use the work in an offensive way.

Some things that are not protected from copyright are:

-Short Phrases

If you do take credit for something that you do not have copyright for, you are called a copyright infringer. If caught copyright infringing then you could do jail time. Being a copyright infringer is very serious. But they do have this thing called a creative commons license. It is a license that the creator/writer can give to their work allowing anyone who wants to use it can, as long as you don't use it in an offensive way. Think about copyrighting like this, how would you feel if someone took credit for your work?
Dear Reader,
It has been requested of me that I teach you about copyright. Why? Because I just have to. Now the actual definition of copyright for those of you who don't know is...
The legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work. If that makes absolutely NO sense to you here is my modified version: Copyright is basically the right of an author, illustrator, publisher, etc. to copy, sell, or distribute their work. There. Does that make sense? Good. Copyright exists upon creation. Or in other words once you create a piece of work its yours and you have copyright over it. Copyright lasts until 70 years after the creator dies. What is the point of copyright? You may ask. Well the point is so that nobody copies, steals or sells your work without permission.
There is also something called Creative Commons. Creative Commons is a specific license that allows others to copy your work and use it to a certain degree. There are certain restrictions that the creator can establish. This is set up so that people don't have to ask the creator to use it by email every time.
When someone disobeys the copyright laws it is called Copyright Infringement. The creator of a piece of work can sue the person who committed the copyright infringement ONLY if the piece of work is registered (this means that the work is official and public) before the lawsuit. This is pretty much the basics of copyright.


Copyright violation Is illegal, not in just one state but in every state, in the U.S.A. Copyright is a way of keeping the authors work protected so no one else takes credit for it. Unless the author themselves give permission for students and adults to copy or edit their work. But thats the only way to use someone else's work and not get in trouble for using it. You need to use the copyright symbol somewhere on your work. There is sometimes the case where you can use other people's work and not get permission from them and that is called the public domain. Fair use is only used when there is fair marketing which means that you aren't making a bunch of money and the owner has not received any profits. In order for work to be protected it has to be the original, which means the ones that doesn't have extra on it. It's the first one you ever made. Even if you trim a clip from the original you still need to get the owners permission, no matter what. Work that is posted on a website is the same for if it was printed somewhere else (example a book). This lasts all the way up until you die plus an extra 70 years (after you have passed away). Once when you write down the copyright you are already safe. As in its nit illegal because you explained where you have gotten your information. You need to be careful because if you use something without that owners permission 1: your breaking the law and 2: if that owner ever finds out they have every right to sue you. Even if they think you Infringed their work. If you get the license that doesn't mean that you took away the rights from the author at all, it means that you just have permission and if you get caught you can show them you have some kind of license for it. That is what copyright is and how to use it so you do not break the law.

What is copyright? (Shelby)

Copyright protects anything that is your work so that no one else can use it, make copies, distribute copies, perform it,display it, or change it without your permission. There are many things that can be copyrighted, these things include books, any literary works, computer software, art, movies, plays, sound recordings and architectural works. But, some things cannot be copyrighted, like ideas or titles or performances that are not recorded. Don't worry though, everything you make is automatically copyrighted as soon as you finish it, ensuring that no one else can use that information unless you give them permission. If someone else uses your work, without your permission, this is called copyright infringement, and can be a serious crime. The person who stole your work could have to pay a fine which can range depending on the value of the stolen work. There are some exceptions though, if you had written something for your boss, this would be called a work made for hire, and your employer would own the copyright to your work. Also, if you worked on a project with a partner or partners, each of you are co-owners of the copyright, instead of one person, unless agreed otherwise. Sometimes, authors or artists put there work under a Creative Commons, where anyone can use their work, they can make it so no one can use it for commercial purposes or to make a profit, or require the user of the work to give credit to the original author. They can also put it under an ND or non derisive which prevents the work from being modified or a share alike which lets the user modify or display the work, as long as it is published under the Same license. Copyright can be very useful in securing that no one else can steal your work.

Copyright (Kayla)

Dear reader,

What is copyright? By definition it is "The legal right granted to an author, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work." (Farlex dictionary app) but does that make any sense to the normal human? No. So I'm going to spell it out for you.

Copyright is a way for authors (or other types of artists) to protect their work. Lets say you wrote a book that you were very proud of, you would be really upset if someone took your idea and made money from it. So instead of having your work stolen you can copyright it. To copyright your work it must be written down or in "fixed form" for it to be copyright able. If you told someone about your great idea but you hadn't write it down they could execute the idea and it would be perfectly legal. If someone were to "infringe" upon your work that was copyrighted, you could sue them for the money that they made while the work was used. When something is copyrighted other people must always ask permission from the author to use it, otherwise it is considered infringement. The qualifications for infringement are; the work must be "substantially similar" and the infringer must have access to the work. As the owner of your work you can make copies, perform it, display it, or make modifications to it. Lets say you had to do a report for work, you couldn't copyright that because the company you work for technically owns it. You can also "co-own" your work with someone such as if you wrote a blog with someone and wanted to copyright the entries. Copyrights last for 70 years.

Creative Commons licensing is an alternative of copyrighting. It lets people use your work but with a few rules. Some of the rules that you could possibly use are; attribution which means you must give credits to the author, non-commercial use means that your work cannot be used commercially, no derivative works which means it can be used but not modified, and share alike with the same licence means the work can be modified and altered as long as its released under the same licence as the original. Those are some of the rules of different Creative Commons.

I hope you enjoyed this mini copyright lesson. Thank you for reading!


Copyright Colton

What is copyright .....
Copyright is a way for people to publish and post stuff they had made onto the web,from music, photos, drawings and typed papers and everything else possible to have. It has many laws and rules you must follow, it gives options to set it up how you want your copyright, to be able to make money or not etc and many other options. It's a way or form of protection given to the creator. As soon as you make whatever it is you have a copyright to it, and once you have that you are allowing anyone to make copies of it and use it. Also people will then be allowed to modify if its necessary and a make corrections even add stuff. If the owner has. Given no permission everything just listed would be totally illegal. It's a good thing to have be to use. It's a way for people to monitor how they want their work to look and how they want it used. Also say you have a really clever idea song or piece of work with copyright you could make so no one could ever take it or do anything to it, which is good and bad. Also you should k ow that not everything is protected by copyright their are ways people can take your stuff and copyright isn't responsible for it, such as , titles, names , ideas, listings,methods, systems and way more, so be carefully on that. Once your work is fixed or put into copyright it immediately becomes a copyright in your name. Once you have a copyright it should last you probably as far up tote year 2156 which is a 130 years away. Their is a website that is called Creative Commons and on things that have that you will see a cc on the page and it will allow you to use it it is almost the exact opposite of copyright. So in a nut shell that's copyright

Copyright paper Noah

Copyright is a law that gives protection to somebody's art work, writing, or music. Copy right makes it illegal for somebody to use another persons work as if it were there's. In other words if you right a poem only you can publish that piece legally unless you give somebody else permission. We have copyright to prevent people from stealing Damon's work and taking credit for the work that they stole. That doesn't mean that you can't read somebody else's work, you just cannot take credit for the persons work. Copy right restricts your work so that only can make copies of your work, distribute copies of your work, perform your work publicly, and make derivative work. Not everything is copy right though. The copy right laws change for "joint authors". Joint authors happen when two people work together on a piece of art. When it comes to copyright and joint authors both Authors must want to share the work or give permission to somebody else. Also whatever money is made from the piece must be split between the authors. Some times joint authors can be more than 2 people. Joint authors can be a various number of people. Copyright lasts until 70 years after the death of the author or after the death of the author anyone one can copy right their work. If copyrighting your work you must register. You do not need to publish the book just register. The way to tell if you can use somebody else's work you can look for a cc inside a circle it means you can you use the work. CC stands for Creative Commons which allows you to use the work without getting in trouble. Wen you just see 1 c in a circle it stands for copyright. If you see that circle you should not take the work for anything because you will be breaking the law. Then only time you should ever take somebody else's work is if they gave you permission or if you see the double c in a circle with stands for Creative Commons.

Copyright Devin Lumbra

Copyright is something that can be very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing because if you exploit someone's work they can sue you for infringement. This law was put in place to prevent peoples information from being stolen and being used negligently. Then even if its not online anything you say ,make,record, or write is automatically owned by you such as a poem. But when you do take stuff from online websites you have to site the source and you can do this on citation machine, or noodle such as literal work,musical work,dramatic, work pictoral, work, graphic work ,ECT. Then in websites there might be a Creative Commons symbol and which means you can take stuff from the website without saying we're you got it from. But that don't mean they can do whatever they want with it and the author can limit what the use of there information is and this could also be called fair use which is used in trials if the author of the site thinks you have exploited his work.also if there is more than one author for the website both of them will have to agree for you to use the information this is called joint authors. Then also copy right is effective as soon as you register it to your site and will remain effective even 70 years after death. But when that 70 years is over the site will be put into the public domain for any one to use for whatever they want.

Copyright information Connor

Copyright is the protection of an idea that you made into a physical form. Copyright stops people from taking the idea that you made and making money off of it. Works are only copyrighted when they are put into a physical form like a drawing, photo, music, plays etc. Things that are ideas and that aren't in physical form aren't copyrighted. When someone writes a book in 2000 and they die in 2003 the copyright lasts until 70 years after their death so the copyright would end at 2073 unless their family renews the copyright. This also goes for a joint authorship the same thing happens if the book is published in 2000 and the one of the authors dies in 2003 and the second author dies in 2018 so it would end in the year 2088 the copyright lasts until 70 years after the lasts author death unless ether of the authors family's renew the copyright. After the copyright ends the item falls into Public Domain.Copyrights for images can be customized to the authors wishes like for example if the author wanted to let people use the picture without getting emailed they could put a logo on the picture that sys that people can use this as long as they don't make money off of it. This is called Creative Commons there are several things this allows you to do by putting this tag on your picture you can allow certain things like (Nc) this means no commercial use and their are several more like (by) give credit to the author and (nd) no editing the image and (sa) meaning the work can be altered but as long as it is kept under the same license.This allows authors to let people use their pictures and other images without people emailing them this could help with an authors busy schedule. If a worker in a company makes an item and it gets a copyright the company the worker works at has the copyright. So if a worker at a car company invents a new car and it gets copyrighted that car company owns the copyright because the person that made the car works at that company.

Copyright Zach

The moment you create something it is copyrighted as your work. A
copyright allows you to let people see your work but not able to legally use it without your permission. This means it can't be copied and/or used. A copyright also means that other people can't take credit for things you have made. People who use copyrighted work without permission can be sued if enough evidence is shown that they used the work in something or it is copied enough so it mostly looks like your work. This is known as copyright infringement. Some things can and can't be copyrighted. A few examples of things that can be copyrighted include works of literature, music, video, art, and drama. Some things that can't be copyrighted include titles, short phrases, works by the US government, names, ideas and discoveries. But copyright doesn't last forever. A copyright will last until 70 years after the author of a work's death. After the period of 70 years it will enter what is called the public domain. The public domain is where anyone can use something without permission of the dead author. Another thing you can do with copyright is give it to someone else like the author's children. There is also another type of copyright called creative commons. It gives the same protection as copyright but it means the author can choose how the work is used. Different options include whether a person needs to ask for permission to copyright. Whether the person needs to give credit for the author's work. Whether the person can change the author's work. And if the person can use the author's work to get money. These are the basics of copyright.

What is Copyright?

Copyright. What is it? Well, copyright gives you and only you the permission to do whatever you want with an original piece of your own work. And, unless you give someone else permission to use your work or alter it or publish it, it is only yours. You are in control. Although, the same goes for someone else's piece of work. You can't touch it unless you have full permission from the author. Some pieces of work, however, are not protected by copyright. For example; titles, names, ideas, discoveries, and works of the US government can not be copyrighted. And that's only naming a few. You also may be wondering, why do we need copyright? Isn't this a free country, shouldn't we be able to use what we want? Well, not exactly. Think about it like this; you had just taken a really good picture for your photography class but you forgot to copyright it (putting the c inside the circle and your name somewhere on the work) and someone else found it and started selling it for money. You took the picture so you have every right to collect the money for it. But, unless you copyright it, then you have no proof that its yours and the other person can keep profiting off your work. So, as you can see, it is a very good thing we have copyright. There is more to it though. You won't always have copyright to your work. 70 years after you die, someone else is free to copyright it as their own. It will most likely be a descendant of yours but it could really be anyone. Also, there is something called Creative Commons. Creative Commons (two c's inside the little circle) gives anyone permission to use the work as long as they credit the author. For example, if you wrote a book/short story and put the c's on the back which is for Creative Commons, then you are giving permission to your readers to quote your book. If its copyrighted, then they need permission from you first to do anything with it. The reason we have Creative Commons is so that your readers or audience can use your work more freely but you are still maintaining control over your work to a certain degree. Copyright and Creative Commons are both good and bad. They can be annoying if we just want a picture for a presentation and we have to cite it, but when it's our own work, they can be a huge help!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wikipedia josh

Most people think Wikipedia is a bad source because you the book or magazine you got the fact from. Most people say it is a bad source because you can Change the text of the writing but bad information is taken off. Wikipedia is not the most reliable most things. People shouldn't rely on Wikipedia for all the information on there project. Wikipedia shouldn't be taken as faith. Just because it comes up in a google search doesn't mean it is the true facts and might be wrong. I think Wikipedia is a bad source to many people can add lies and say the titanic never sank or it sank in 1988. If I come a cross a Wikipedia link I don't use it unless I actually have checked if its reliable.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Is Wikipedia a reliable source?

Is Wikipedia a reliable source? A lot of people have different thoughts about wikipedia, some people think its a good source, and other people say its the worst source in the world! I don't know if it's that intense, but people do have a strong grudge for Wikipedia. I read a link from Wikipedia, and I think it was ok, but some of the links were not so good.
I also read another link, and that link was not that bad, and personally, after I went home after school I looked up a couple other things in my personal computer, and looked at them on Wikipedia!some of them were good, and some of them were bad. Wikipedia has good quality, and it looks like the creaters / editors of Wikipedia put a lot of time and effort into making the website look good.
An article I read called the Britannica, and the britannica is a ship from early 1900.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Wikipedia is a good website for research papers because it is as accurate as Britannica and, it is available for thousands of people each day. According to Daniel Terdiman staff writer, CNET News in his study he chose to take articles from wikipedia and britannica each one about nature. Daniel sent the two articles to some experts.There were 42 reviews. But we're factional errors in both. On wikipedia there were 162 errors, and on Britannic there were 123 errors. This means that Britannic is as accurate as Wikipedia. According to common, "Wikipedia has become one of the top 5 sites on the web".its good to be available to everyone because as far as research goes this helps thousands of people with questions. Wikipedia has no limit to any topics so you can add thousands of topics and you can go on for ever. Everyday Wikipedia is getting new topics to talk and edit. Every single second Wikipedia is changing. Common craft also says that Wikipedia must use high quality resources in there work because they use books, newspapers, and other things that help with the news and other articles that Wikipedia is writing.
People can trust wikipedia because Wikipedia is as accurate ad Britannic and it is useful to many people.

By: Corie Koepke :3

Wikipedia trust or not trust? - Loralee

Wikipedia should not be trusted as a reliable source for a research paper. In my opinion I don't think that wikipedia should be trusted. I think that because anybody can edit the site and change information. Some of the information they change could be false or irrelevant to the subject your studying. "Students should never use information in Wikipedia (or any other online encyclopedia) for formal purposes (such as school essays)," said by a person who has the same opinion as me because they agree that Wikipedia isn't reliable because of untrue or false information. Wikipedia should not be used as a reliable source. Jimmy Wales was comparing Wikipedia and Britannic to find which source is more reliable. He compared two of he same articles one from Wikipedia and one from Britannica but not knowing which Was from which encyclopedia. Wikipedia had 162 errors while Britannica had about 30 less errors. Saying that Wikipedia should not be trusted as a reliable source because it has many errors. When I was in elementary school our teachers told us to only use the information you find when you know something about it. I watched one of my teachers change something on Wikipedia and it was totally irrelevant to the subject. Meaning that you don't need any qualification to change anything.There are many reasonable examples of why people shouldn't use Wikipedia as a good site.

Wiki, trust, or don't trust, Connor Ballantyne

Is Wikipedia a trusted source for getting reliable information? In some situations Wikipedia is great for getting info but is it worthy of use in a paper for school? The answer to that question is no, wiki is not a good source for info in a official paper. Ever Had a teacher say you can't use wiki as a source in your assignment, have you ever wondered why you cant use wiki? Well the reason teachers say that, is that anyone can change or edit any page on Wikipedia just by clicking a button. As many places say, there are more informational errors on wikipedia then any other site out there. But, there are hundreds of experts out there scanning the web for people doing that and changing it back to the way it was. So on one hand Wikipedia is community of experts making sure information gets out there, but on the other hand it is a place where people go to get a laugh by changing info. So in my personal opinion Wikipedia is an ok place to get general information but I would not source it in a official paper.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wikipedia good or bad (Megan)

I think that Wikipedia is not a good resource to use. In a test a number of Wikipedia articles were looked over and there were 162 problems found. That means that there were an average of 3.86 in every article. Even if there are people behind the scene fixing all the stuff they can't fix everything on it. But it has happened where the vandalism was left there for several months. Then if a student used Wikipedia and the information was incorrect then they might get a bad grade. Wikipedia doesn't have all the settings to be safe for children to use it. The children will be able to communicate with anonymous adults. There are pages that would be appropriate to children but aren't because of rude words that may offend people. Wikipedia has also gotten in trouble for some anonymous writer that linked the former journalist John Seigenthaler to the assassination of Robert Kennedy and John F. Kennedy. This went on four months. There was also an incident where for several days podcasting pioneer Adam Curry was accused of deleting references from other important works on technology. Overall I wouldn't use Wikipedia as references to information for it may not have correct information that is appropriate for all ages.

Research paper SYA -Isaac

Wikipedia is not a good resource for researching. One reason is that the site can edited. In the article "how to evaluate Wikipedia article" the author says you probably should not use Wikipedia for a source.Another reason is that sometime people fight over the editing thats why you shouldn't use wikipedia then don't use it According to the article by Phoebe Ayers "Wikipedia researching with Wikipedia". Don't use this for school because it changes every second. These three example show why Wikipedia is not a reliable site for research.

Wikipedia do I trust - Mariah sears

Wikipedia is not the best source for research papers. I am here to tell you why you shouldn't trust Wikipedia. Well if you researched the word wiki- it means that it's content can be edited. And if you research the whole word, Wikipedia- it tells you that many thousands of contributors join in and change, or add their own information. Even though they have to site their sources, not all sources are reliable. Also, if someone does not agree with another person, they are free to change the information to anything that they want. Plus Wikipedia's information is changed everyday. So let's say you are studying dogs and you had to stop for a day for any kind of reason, and the next day you go on, the information that you were researching could be changed, so you could be confused on what to trust. Also some researchers did an experiment on Wikipedia and Britannica by seeing how many mistakes there were on a series of articles. But the thing is the researchers did not tell the contributors which article belonged to which website. "That averages out to 2.92 mistakes per article for Britannica and 3.86 for Wikipedia." this is what the results are. As you can see, britannica has less mistakes than Wikipedia does per page. This proves that wikipedia has more mistakes and according to "Study:Wikipedia as accurate as Britannica", Wikipedia was reported to have several serious mistakes. Wikipedia is not a reliable source because the many thousands of users won't know at any giving time if the information is right or wrong.

Research paper SYA

Research paper SYS
By:Brody Pigeon
Wikipedia can be a good source for certain things like recipes or or ideas about something. Some people would disagree and say that it can't be used for nothing but bad things. But to answer the arsenal question can wikipedia be a good source for research papers. I think it would be a good place to start but would not be the best place to get information because people can go in and wright random things about the person that is false information. For example you can go on Wikipedia and wright what ever you want on random subjects there for this would not be good for a research paper. It can also be used to hurt others for example there has been discussion that people have planed terrorist attacks threw Wikipedia and luckily enough it was traced and found to be a miss understanding but this shows this information is false and can be used for bad as well as good. Also when more than one person contributes for example "Have many people contributed to the article, or is the work of only one or two editors". This quote shows how many people can edit one page and how you don't know if five people edited it or fifty. This shows how Wikipedia will not be a good resource for a research paper.

To Wikipedia or to not Wikipedia

Do I trust Wikipedia? I do and I don't for different reasons. For example I don't because if I have an important project due than I wouldn't trust this site because Wikipedia is the type of website that you can edit the article in any way (besides advertisements). So I wouldn't trust it because anyone can come and edit it and I wouldn't know if they were incorrect or even joking. On the other hand I trust this site because on most big search engines such as Google or Bing, Wikipedia is listed at the top of the page the majority of the time. Also I trust it because some articles say its almost as accurate as britannica (basically an online encyclopedia). Another reason why I trust Wikipedia is because in case of a mistake in the text, say, a spelling error or an incorrect statement you can contrast the information to fix it for the benefit of others. For the most part I trust Wikipedia but in some cases I don't.

Wikipedia (Annika Nielsen)

Wikipedia is indeed a good website to use when you are conducting a research project. I think Wikipedia can often be misunderstood because it can be edited by anybody. People are not aware that Wikipedia has thousands of volunteers. These volunteers are working constantly to make sure that Wikipedia is up to date with the latest information. With almost 3.5 million articles it leaves a really big room for error. But all the volunteers will help correct those mistakes and make it so the information is new and fresh to the Internet. Wikipedia is one of the top five sites and it is used by many. False information may be posted but in a short time it will be taken down. Wikipedia is often compared to Britannica. What people don't know is that Britannica averages out to 2.92 mistakes per article and 3.86 for Wikipedia. By only one error more than Britannica, Wikipedia is just as good of a resource. Wikipedia has a lot of responsibility making sure it is always perfectly maintained. Therefore with the huge responsibility comes help from all over the world making the responsibility for the creators minimized and the website to become a true helpful website for anyone to enjoy.

Wikipedia- Tyler

Would Wikipedia be a good source of information for school work or assignments? My answer personally would be no. Wikipedia is never a good source. It can be edited and changed by anyone and everyone. This is why it's bad. For example if someone opens up a Wikipedia page then anyone who opens it is able to just goof off and delete everything on the page. Or someone could come on and just put in false information intentionally or not or could intentionally just type random letters and cut out words on the document to confuse the reader. According to David Farhie"The facts are only as reliable as the sources". This quote means that the facts that the reader is reading aren't reliable. To determine if it is, you would have to talk with the person posting to figure out the source of his information if he has one and then would have to check the site to see if it is a site that can be trusted. Also since anyone can post the information they put up may not be true. The information they write may be true to them but in reality the information they are writing is false. On an average Wikipedia page there can be about 162 errors of false statements, opinions, spelling errors, and grammar mistakes. Wikipedia has about 3.82 errors per article. Some information may be true but it may be extremely difficult to point out the false and true on the page. Wikipedia is a place for facts but with human error and misjudgment it messes up everything making it so that wikipedia isn't "only a place for fact, but also half truths, exaggerations, and out-and-out disinformation". This quote hear again is according David Farhie. If it is something you know for sure and are just re-reading the subject because you like it then it may be possible for you to point out fallacies and facts but if it is a subject you are learning about and don't know much on then you will have trouble pointing out fact over fallacy. So this is why Wikipedia is a bad source and is a horrible place for a school assignment.

Wikipedia ( kaley)

Wikipedia is not a good resource when you are doing research. It’s not a good resource because Wikipedia has had reports of serious errors. There is 3.86 errors on Wikipedia per articles, such as general misunderstanding of vital concepts in articles. This website has nearly 3.5 million articles in more than one hundred twenty five languages that students should never use. Wikipedia also was built by thousands of random people, and they made the rules. You are not allowed to edit the text or state your opinion, but people do it anyway. When there is big news it's on Wikipedia in minutes. Some information or news is true, but a lot in fake. There are better site online for research.

Can you trust Wikipedia? Ben L.

Is Wikipedia a reliable source? Some people say that it is and they would defend it to the end, and other people would say no and would never use it. If you ask me I would use Wikipedia as a reliable source and would trust what is on the site. Wikipedia is a website that people from all over contribute to, to make it the best it can be. Wikipedia also has filter and rules so if you edit the website it has to be backed up somewhere else, or the edit will be fixed or removed from the site. Because of the filters Wikipedia provides and all the people contributing to it and making it a good source and I would actually recommend people to use it. Wikipedia has to be backed up by other reliable sources in multiple places. And it's not just information from other sites, It is physically cited in Wikipedia for it to be allowed on the site. Another reason Wikipedia is good is because it isn't biased. This means that nothing can be based on someone's opinion. It has to have a neutral view on the issue or fact. Over all Wikipedia has a strong and active community updating, monitoring, and editing the site all the time. All these things that people do to contribute to Wikipedia make it a good reliable site that I would use.

Wikipedia- Hayden

Is Wikipedia a reliable source? I say yes. If you look at the bottom of each paragraph there is a citation of where that info came from. So you can check that the information is true. If there is no citation then it doesn't get published. Plus there are so many people editing Wikipedia each minute that even if you got false information on Wikipedia, it would be changed within minutes. Nobody can edit the most viewed pages because they are perfect or very close to it and Wikipedia experts have locked editing to viewers. So that means nobody can edit the pages about Leonardo Da Vinci or Bill Gates or any other common page like that. In addition to this Britannica has 2.92 mistakes per article where Wikipedia has 3.86. Thats not even one more mistake per article. So why trust Britannia and not Wikipedia? And lastly to be publish on Wikipedia the information can't be biased. So each Wikipedia article has citations, few mistakes and it's not biased . This makes Wikipedia the biggest and best good source on the Internet.


Wikipedia is not a good source for information because there are to many dangerous things that can happen on it, in addition people around the world that may not even know what there talking about and try to give advice. For example,let's say I'm adult and I'm writing that book for people who don't know how to parent a kid and I didn't have any kids or any experience with them, so who am I to try and give advice? How do you know I can be trusted? How do you know I'm not a teenager pranking people and being stupid and giving false advice to people that really need help? You don't know.
Another reason Wikipedia can not be trusted is because vandalism is frequent on the site, meaning that people put false information, or write nasty and inappropriate comments. Once those comments are on there, there on there permanently, there is no one to delete the rude comments people submit.
I especially don't think that students should use Wikipedia because there are to many people posting false advice, making it very hard for students to use wiki sites for write- ups, projects, presentations.wikipedia can't be trusted.

The Reliability of Wikipedia-Adrienne

I believe Wikipedia is a credible source, and can be cited. In a study by Nature, articles on the same topics were taken from Wikipedia and the Encyclopedia Brittanica, and compared side-by-side for errors by experts on those topics. In total, there was an average of ~3 mistakes per Brittanica article , and ~4 per Wikipedia article, though the experts told researchers that either source is as reliable as the other.
Also, I believe the more scientific or mathematical articles on Wikipedia are more accurate and in-depth than other places on the Web, because so many people from different points of view can review and supplement the article. And if some hooligan decides to mess around with the article, somebody will come along and fix the errors soon enough. Most of the more professional articles are trustworthy because of this.
It also depends on the article itself. Is it thorough and well-written? Or are there several grammatical errors? You should use your own judgment in whether or not to trust Wikipedia. And even if you don't trust the article, you can still find other sites that might have the information you need in the "References" section near the bottom of the page. It's all a matter of rational perception. And besides, just because some articles on the site are questionable doesn't mean you should totally reject it as a resource.
The reliability of Wikipedia is debatable, but I believe for the most part that it is trustworthy.