Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Copyright Colton

What is copyright .....
Copyright is a way for people to publish and post stuff they had made onto the web,from music, photos, drawings and typed papers and everything else possible to have. It has many laws and rules you must follow, it gives options to set it up how you want your copyright, to be able to make money or not etc and many other options. It's a way or form of protection given to the creator. As soon as you make whatever it is you have a copyright to it, and once you have that you are allowing anyone to make copies of it and use it. Also people will then be allowed to modify if its necessary and a make corrections even add stuff. If the owner has. Given no permission everything just listed would be totally illegal. It's a good thing to have be to use. It's a way for people to monitor how they want their work to look and how they want it used. Also say you have a really clever idea song or piece of work with copyright you could make so no one could ever take it or do anything to it, which is good and bad. Also you should k ow that not everything is protected by copyright their are ways people can take your stuff and copyright isn't responsible for it, such as , titles, names , ideas, listings,methods, systems and way more, so be carefully on that. Once your work is fixed or put into copyright it immediately becomes a copyright in your name. Once you have a copyright it should last you probably as far up tote year 2156 which is a 130 years away. Their is a website that is called Creative Commons and on things that have that you will see a cc on the page and it will allow you to use it it is almost the exact opposite of copyright. So in a nut shell that's copyright

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