Thursday, October 25, 2012


Question: do you trust Wikipedia, do you think it's a good source for useful information?

Answer: Most people are confused about wether they think Wikipedia is a good source for information or not. My personals opinion is completely against the use of Wikipedia as a trustful website for information. The main reason why people are debating about it is because there are rumors and facts about the web site letting alone it being good or bad. For example some people think Wikipedia is a terrible site because anyone can go on the website and change the document, like make and article that was suppose to be about Abraham Lincoln and put information about a computer?? Although on the other hand people like to use Wikipedia for a source because it does tend to give useful information about certain subjects, great authors go on and write articles about things and they do give very good information , and if you are un- sure of something you could go google it, but that does create more work for the person learning!! But moving onto my personals thoughts about Wikipedia its just a bad site to use honestly, yes they may give very useful information but with all the doubts about the site your just going to be unsure about the information your leading, second guessing yourself basically. Also knowing anyone can go on and change anything about the article, Because of this I wouldn't not trust Wikipedia really you never know if someone went on and fooled around with the page. As far as just wanting to extend my learning with a certain subject so I have prior knowledge on what I am learning weather it being in a class or just my personal interests, Yes I would then quickly go on Wikipedia and just check out some of the facts on the web page. Because of All these reasons I don't like using Wikipedia for a full informational website.

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