Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wikipedia - Hannah

Is Wikipedia a good source or bad? Like many people I agree that wikipedia is a bad source but my answer to the question at the beginning went both ways. I think Wikipedia is a good source for getting links to sites about whatever you are looking for. It is also good for other people; you can help by editing the page, giving good and useful information to others. Even though there are good things about Wikipedia there bad things as well, and those are the ones that turned me away from liking Wikipedia. The bad reasons are that people can edit the work, and it can be faulty information. Wikipedia in my mind isn't a good website, even though some of the information on there can be true, some of the other things might not be, you have no idea what information on there is useful information. Some people still, think that Wikipedia is a good site, they might think that because it is the 8th most visited site on the Internet. But this isn't a popularity contest and I can guarantee that when you look up, a well known person that you know something exact about them, someone would have changed an item on the biography about them, maybe to be funny or just they thought that was the truth. Even though in the beginning that I thought it was a good source my final decision was that it was a bad source, and I hope i persuade you into thinking the same.

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