Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wikipedia good or bad (Megan)

I think that Wikipedia is not a good resource to use. In a test a number of Wikipedia articles were looked over and there were 162 problems found. That means that there were an average of 3.86 in every article. Even if there are people behind the scene fixing all the stuff they can't fix everything on it. But it has happened where the vandalism was left there for several months. Then if a student used Wikipedia and the information was incorrect then they might get a bad grade. Wikipedia doesn't have all the settings to be safe for children to use it. The children will be able to communicate with anonymous adults. There are pages that would be appropriate to children but aren't because of rude words that may offend people. Wikipedia has also gotten in trouble for some anonymous writer that linked the former journalist John Seigenthaler to the assassination of Robert Kennedy and John F. Kennedy. This went on four months. There was also an incident where for several days podcasting pioneer Adam Curry was accused of deleting references from other important works on technology. Overall I wouldn't use Wikipedia as references to information for it may not have correct information that is appropriate for all ages.

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