Thursday, October 18, 2012

Copyright Hannah

Right now at this moment I have copyright to my work, in other words this means this is my work and I have protection over it and no one can change anything about it or edit it, I am the only one that can do edits to it. Once you have done something it is yours you have ownership to it, and you will continue to have ownership over it until 70 years after you have died. Many things have copyright, anything except titles, names,ideas, discoveries, and works of the u.s government. If you wanted to use something off of the Internet you need to have permission from the owner , you can't just take credit for something that isn't yours. It's like taking a car from Ford and then putting a different label on it and saying it was yours . If its mot your work you have no rights, to alter work that isn't yours. Even though writing is protected by copyright not everything is . Such as a procedure or a method they are not protected. Also if you say and idea out loud and someone steals it, that's okay because you didn't put it out on a piece of paper or on the Internet , you really don't have any proof that you are the only one who came up with it. If you fail to give credit to the owner, you are braking the law , you need to give credit , because it isn't your work. You don't exactly have to put their name on the work like some companies have certain letters that represent , the ownership of it. Creative Commons gives the audience permission to use the work as long as you give credit. The labels after some things, can mean different things, it can mean attribution ( by) ,non commercial use (nc), no derivative words (nd),share alike with the same license ( sa). Right now , you don't have to do anything to obtain copyright protection , once it is created it's yours. You don't have to go through a special process to get rights over it.

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