Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Copyright Devin Lumbra

Copyright is something that can be very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing because if you exploit someone's work they can sue you for infringement. This law was put in place to prevent peoples information from being stolen and being used negligently. Then even if its not online anything you say ,make,record, or write is automatically owned by you such as a poem. But when you do take stuff from online websites you have to site the source and you can do this on citation machine, or noodle such as literal work,musical work,dramatic, work pictoral, work, graphic work ,ECT. Then in websites there might be a Creative Commons symbol and which means you can take stuff from the website without saying we're you got it from. But that don't mean they can do whatever they want with it and the author can limit what the use of there information is and this could also be called fair use which is used in trials if the author of the site thinks you have exploited his work.also if there is more than one author for the website both of them will have to agree for you to use the information this is called joint authors. Then also copy right is effective as soon as you register it to your site and will remain effective even 70 years after death. But when that 70 years is over the site will be put into the public domain for any one to use for whatever they want.

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