Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Copyright is the legal protection to all original work created so no one can steal it. A way of illegal copyright is if someone copy's a book completely and takes all credit and does not have permission from the author. Without permission from author the infringement will cause time in jail. Infringement Is the name for a copyed work without permission. All work such as paintings, poems, story's, plays, ete. Copyright is a law that in 70 years will need to be renewed.if no renewed the work can be copyed from the public domain. The public domain is where people can copy work without permission. Creative Commons is not as restrictive than copyright it allows people to use there work in Ideas and other stuff like this can not be protected by copyright. Titles and names also can't be copyrighted. Other people can use them. Some highly copyright stuff is books and importent document such as old diarys or signatures of famas dead people. Copyright is a big thing in the writing world. Without it people could never get a profit for there workplace. These are the basics to copyright I hope you now better understand copyrights.

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