Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wiki, trust, or don't trust, Connor Ballantyne

Is Wikipedia a trusted source for getting reliable information? In some situations Wikipedia is great for getting info but is it worthy of use in a paper for school? The answer to that question is no, wiki is not a good source for info in a official paper. Ever Had a teacher say you can't use wiki as a source in your assignment, have you ever wondered why you cant use wiki? Well the reason teachers say that, is that anyone can change or edit any page on Wikipedia just by clicking a button. As many places say, there are more informational errors on wikipedia then any other site out there. But, there are hundreds of experts out there scanning the web for people doing that and changing it back to the way it was. So on one hand Wikipedia is community of experts making sure information gets out there, but on the other hand it is a place where people go to get a laugh by changing info. So in my personal opinion Wikipedia is an ok place to get general information but I would not source it in a official paper.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like at the end your not arguing your case any further you shouldn't post up information that could get the reader to think of the opposite of your first statement and also it seems you don't have very many exact facts or anything supporting your ideas
