Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wikipedia- Tyler

Would Wikipedia be a good source of information for school work or assignments? My answer personally would be no. Wikipedia is never a good source. It can be edited and changed by anyone and everyone. This is why it's bad. For example if someone opens up a Wikipedia page then anyone who opens it is able to just goof off and delete everything on the page. Or someone could come on and just put in false information intentionally or not or could intentionally just type random letters and cut out words on the document to confuse the reader. According to David Farhie"The facts are only as reliable as the sources". This quote means that the facts that the reader is reading aren't reliable. To determine if it is, you would have to talk with the person posting to figure out the source of his information if he has one and then would have to check the site to see if it is a site that can be trusted. Also since anyone can post the information they put up may not be true. The information they write may be true to them but in reality the information they are writing is false. On an average Wikipedia page there can be about 162 errors of false statements, opinions, spelling errors, and grammar mistakes. Wikipedia has about 3.82 errors per article. Some information may be true but it may be extremely difficult to point out the false and true on the page. Wikipedia is a place for facts but with human error and misjudgment it messes up everything making it so that wikipedia isn't "only a place for fact, but also half truths, exaggerations, and out-and-out disinformation". This quote hear again is according David Farhie. If it is something you know for sure and are just re-reading the subject because you like it then it may be possible for you to point out fallacies and facts but if it is a subject you are learning about and don't know much on then you will have trouble pointing out fact over fallacy. So this is why Wikipedia is a bad source and is a horrible place for a school assignment.

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