Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wikipedia- Mikayla

People debate whether or not Wikipedia is a trustworthy site to get information! My opinion is that Wikipedia is a good resource. At times I agree but like everyone else I debate whether or not its good or not to use. Wikipedia has some good information and bad information. The only thing I wouldn't use Wikipedia for is a big huge paper. A paragraph or 2. I would use it because if the information is good the wikipedia people keep the information there. There are also good links that Wikipedia had sometimes to either back up what they are saying, or something else. They also check out website every once in awhile and check to see if anyone has added fake information, if so then they will change it back to the original. Using Wikipedia wouldn't be a good idea to use because people vandalize and for little students who don't know what some of that stuff means, it wouldn't be good idea. Parents wouldn't be happy. It's also is bad because people can go into the website and change whatever they want. That's why it can be a bad idea to use Wikipedia but on the other end it can be a good idea. My point of view is that wikipedia is a good site to use. You can find links to other websites to make sure that your information is true.

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