Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wikipedia...Good Or Bad Zach

Wikipedia is a good source for a research paper. There are lots of different pages
that have great sources of information. One page on birds has 200+ different citations of sources where Wikipedia got the information. Wikipedia also has 125 different languages in the articles. Lots of people volunteer to keep good information on Wikipedia. The information on Wikipedia was so good they compared it to Brittanica, which is a leading encyclopedia brand. Brittanica was only better by 39 fact mistakes which isn't a lot compared to the 4 million+ articles that are on Wikipedia. Apparently some teachers will teach their kids to use Wikipedia first before other sources. Some people dislike Wikipedia. One reason is that anyone can edit it. This is true but there are lots of people that scan the articles to make sure the information is good. Another reason is some articles are a lot shorter than others. Although that is also true but some things don't have enough information that we know about. Through all these reasons you can see Wikipedia is a pretty good source.

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