Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Copy rights

Why do we have copy right? What is the point? Well don't you like the feeling of accomplishment when you finish a big class project or report?  Then you post it to the web and find out people are just copy and pasting it claiming its there work, then know one
Will give you credit for your work! This is why the U.S makes it a law that taking credit for someone else's work is illegal, let me give you an example, say you go to a store and buy a t- shirt then take the label off and put your own name on it.....that is copy righting you can not take someone else's work and take credit for it/make it yours.  Although there are some things that are protected by copy right, such as literary works like computers,musical works including any accompanying words, also pictorial graphics, and sculptural works.  But there are something's that are not protected  by copywriting for example ideas, procedures, methods, concepts, principles, discoveries, ext. ext,  if you have a family member who writes a very well known or maybe even famous piece of work and they pass away they don't lose ownership (copy right)  of their work until 70 years after there death, so if you wanted to keep it in the family you could then take over copy right to it.  Which leads me into Creative Commons, Creative Commons gives he audience ability to use the document, image, ext. as long as he or she ensures to give credit to the author.

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