Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Is Wikipedia a good source to write a report or and essay for school? Well to start what is Wikipedia? Wikipedia is like a giant encyclopedia that is viewed by many people and is changed and edited by many which can be a plus or a minus. Personally my opinion on Wikipedia is that you can write a report on the information that is given on their pages. One good thing that comes form this website is that it has the word "wiki" in it which means that it can be viewed and edited by people that want to put in the info they want. But on the other hand it can be bad cause their are many people out their that put bad info on because they wanna joke about it. Due to the many people that volunteer their time and go through all the information and verify if it is good and true and is real. They do this by reading books and watching videos etc. Also a good thing that comes from Wikipedia is that they have two big rules. The first is that info put on must be verified and be sited and be true to have it on their site or page. The next rule is that all info on their must not be biased and leaned to one side or more on something. The information must be presented fairly and equally so that people's opinions are not changed by reading something that is bias. So that means don't put sentences that would start with I think or I feel. But on the other hand their are a few bad things sprinkled into good things. First when people out their that post bad info it doesn't get changed right away it takes time to change it, a few days or so. When your writing your report, it might have bad info but you should be able to tell if its good or bad. Those are both bad things and good things that come from Wikipedia. Their are mostly good things that come from it. Thats why you should use Wikipedia for a resource and not be afraid to.

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